The Smarter, Faster, and More Secure TMS

Say goodbye to manual brokerage strategies and revolutionize your operations by automating daily tasks, delivering actionable data insights, and embracing the transformative capabilities of the Descartes Aljex™ digital freight brokerage platform.

Increase carrier sales rep productivity by 25%

By automating various manual and time-consuming tasks such as order management, carrier procurement, load planning, and freight tracking, Descartes Aljex TMS streamlines operations, saves valuable time and greatly increases user output.

How we help freight brokers like you

Automate and manage transport requests by automatically entering orders. Increase the efficiency and speed of order processing while reducing the risk of errors and delays associated with manual data entry.

Learn more Learn more about Freight Broker GSN LP Automated Order Entry

Descartes Aljex EDI messaging allows for the timely, secure, and seamless exchange of important information and documents electronically with your customers. From bills of lading and load tenders to shipment status and invoicing, each document type is customized to fit the requirements of each trading partner.

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Manage carriers from a single location and enable brokers and 3PLs to select and work with the carrier that best suits their needs. Reduce time spent on carrier portals and improve transparency and trust between all parties.

Learn more Learn more about Freight Broker GSN LP Carrier Management

Consolidate and display rates and lane data for TMS users. Organize all data in a single, easily accessible, and secure location.

Learn more Learn more about Freight Broker GSN LP Lane Pricing

Manage freight invoicing from a single dashboard and access detailed financial reporting.

Learn more Learn more about Freight Broker GSN LP Accounting

Save time and increase efficiency with the Analytics & Business Intelligence Dashboard, which helps you automate daily tasks and keep track of the entire transportation cycle.

Learn more Learn more about Freight Broker GSN LP Analytics

Implement real-time shipment tracking to learn the location and status updates of loads.

Learn more Learn more about Freight Broker GSN LP Shipment Visibility

Make informed, confident carrier selection decisions by digitally matching open loads to the optimal carrier using a combination of availability, equipment type, and historical lane data.

Learn more Learn more about Freight Broker GSN LP Capacity Sourcing

What’s the difference for our customers?

Lower costs & accelerate growth

Data-driven intelligence

Advanced reporting & analytics

A true digital brokerage platform

Single system, reliable security

45+ freight tech integrations

Aljex customers get results

So we’re trusted by the best

See why you’ll love us too

Aljex is one of the most user-friendly TMS on the market. From load construction and being able to easily save shippers and receivers to CRM integration and customer database, Aljex covers it all in an easy-to-use fashion.

Good layout and easy to navigate. It is an amazing tool for any company that is aiming to grow and provide excellent customer service.

Aljex gets the job done. Very powerful tool and done in a straightforward manner. One page view to cut RC’s. Numerous other options available from customer history, accounting, etc.

The Smart Searches are my favorite and most used feature. It has been a lifesaver to use and find a truck fast for a hot load.

Excellent brokering software. I appreciate how easy it is to add information that is already in the system. Many times I don’t have to do shipments completely over. Majority of the information is already in the system.

Aljex is a very useful resource for looking up carriers and sending rate con. It’s really easy to find pro numbers when trying to build new rate cons.

Industry leading integration network

Descartes Aljex™ is connected to all major freight tech providers. From load boards, digital freight, and live market rating to compliance, visibility, and financial providers, Aljex makes sure you have access to everything you need through a single portal.

Join 500+ Freight Brokerages Using Descartes Aljex™

“Ninety percent of our loads are time-sensitive and 70% are last-minute bookings so we have almost no margin for error. We rely on the end-to-end automation and real-time freight visibility of the integrated Descartes solution to help us easily and quickly quote, source, and tender loads at competitive rates and build customer loyalty through proactive exception management and 98% on time delivery performance.”

Andy Bahr

Founder & President, Bahr Transportation

Request a demo.

Ready to see Descartes Aljex™ TMS in action? Schedule a demo today and learn how our software can transform your brokerage. Fill out the form below to get in touch with a member of our team.

Fast Deployment & Low Implementation Costs 

If you’re looking to build a package that fits your needs, we have some great options to explore. Our personalized training and top-notch support will give you all the tools and guidance you need to succeed.

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